In less than a year, Carlos Jiménez Flores has released three feature films theatrically
in Puerto Rico. He is the first director in history to do so. [2016]
Primera Hora
Carlos Jiménez Flores is one of eight Chicago Hollywood men you should know. [2014]
Michigan Avenue Magazine

Carlos Jiménez Flores is the founder, President and CEO of the streaming channel, Boricua Box; a television network with Puerto Rican programming. All films, television shows, music videos, etc., was either filmed on the island, is about Puerto Rico, was made by a Puerto Rican; has a lead actress, lead actor, writer, director and/or producer that is Boricua.
Televisión puertorriqueña para el mundo

Boricua Box is streaming on ROKU, Apple TV and the Fire Stick from Amazon. Simply download the app on any device; smart tv, desktop computer, laptop, tablet and/or any smartphone device (Android or iPhone).

Ricky, un joven de unos 20 años a mediados, se ha distanciado de su padre biológico debido a un divorcio. Ricky decide mudarse a Puerto Rico desde Chicago con el fin volver a conectarse con su padre y comenzar una nueva relación. En el camino, no sólo Ricky encontró a su padre, también encuentra la cultura, la fe, la familia, el amor y en última instancia se encuentra.
Ricky, a young man in his mid 20s, has been estranged from his biological father due to a divorce. Ricky decides to move to Puerto Rico from Chicago in order to reconnect with his father and begin a new relationship. Along the way, not only does Ricky find his father, he also finds culture, faith, family, love and ultimately he finds himself.
Written, directed and produced by Carlos Jiménez Flores.

Simon is a motel owner looking to expand business by marketing his motel as haunted. So he invites a reality television crew from the fictional show, Ghost Encounters, to spend the night collecting paranormal evidence. Simon hopes that when the show airs, it will bring more clientele to his business. When the crew shows up, they get more than they bargain for. The level of paranormal activity is very high which is cause for concern for the crew's leader and television host, Ted. There is no turning back, but will Ted and his team survive?
Written, directed and produced by Carlos Jiménez Flores.